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Untouchables Motorcycle Club Mother Chapter, Established 2000 - Mother Chapter - Gary, Indiana
Privacy & COPPA Statements

Untouchables MC takes special care in protecting the privacy of its visitors. For each visitor to our web page, our web server automatically recognizes no information regarding your domain or email address. We only collect the email addresses of those who submit them to us directly or who communicate with us via email. We collect no information about consumers who browse our web page. The information you share with us is not shared with other organizations for commercial purposes.

Under no circumstances will Untouchables MC willfully or knowingly divulge, sell, trade or barter any personal information on this website to a third party.

In accordance with the Children's On-line Privacy Act, all persons under the age of 13 must have permission from their legal guardian before placing their name, e-mail address, and/or private information anywhere on this website.